November 09, 2008

Identify Any Faulty Device Driver in Your Computer

If you are facing problems with your computer, especially the blue error screen coming up again and again, or your system is only booting in safe mode, then there is a strong possibility that your computer is having a faulty device driver.
Now how to identify a faulty driver, if you look at the list of drivers, you will find more than 100 drivers, and its not easy to find the faulty drivers from that list, neither it is possible to reinstall each one.
Microsoft provides you with the solution by providing a little tool called Verifier. This allows you to check which driver is faulty and a error message that will help you know which driver is faulty and you can then replace it or reinstall it. Here is a look at the use of it.
  1. Go to Start –> Run and type “verifier“.
  2. Select first option of “Create Standard Settings”, click Next, and then choose the option according to the problem you are facing. If you are technical enough, you can select “Select drivers name from a list”, and choose the driver which you think is responsible for the problem. If you are not sure then you can select “Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer”. and then Click Next, and Finish the process.
  3. Now Reboot your computer, you will see the list of drivers to be verified at startup, and if you have a faulty driver, then you will get a blue screen, with the error message. You can get the faulty driver from that and thus can reinstall it or can be rectified.
  4. After this when you have recognized the faulty driver, login back in your windows and you need to stop this service. To do this, Go to Start –> Run and type in “verifier /reset“. This will stop this service and you will not get the verifier window at startup again.